Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Tough Mudder

A few weeks ago we took a family trip to Beaver Creek so Caleb could run the Tough Mudder race.
It was so much fun and I just have to share!

If you haven't heard of the Tough Mudder here is a brief snapshot of what all it entails.

It's pretty intense.  
And it's super hard here in Colorado because you have to factor in the altitude.
Trust me... it does make a difference.

I played the "I have to watch the kid" card so only hubby got to run it with his team.
Ahh shucks!  :)
So while they were getting muddy and sore and electrocuted (yes that is right) and dunked in ice cold water... well here is what Blake and I did.

Yep, we picked flowers and enjoyed a peaceful time on the mountain!  :)

We got to hang out with our little friend, Alyssa, and I think Little Miss enjoyed having a friend for the day.  We rode the gondola, played with horses, played on the playground and topped it off with a picnic at the top of the mountain.
That sure beats running the race... if you ask me!  :)

Not to thrilled to be held by muddy daddy!  :)  
But she was super proud of him... promise.

We had a great time.
Caleb did awesome, and is even trying to convince me to run it with him next year!
So looks like I'll start training right now if that's going to happen.  
Either that or get pregnant.  We'll see!  :)

After quite the eventful day, I drove us all down the mountain, back home.

And here is what my car looked like for most of the way home.
So peaceful aren't they??

Anyone want to run it next year?  You know you do!!!  :)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Last Year of my 20's

Today marks the start of the last year of my 20's.
Oh the 20's how crazy you have been.
A lot of stuff has happened in this decade of my life, so I'm excited to see what the 30's bring.
But that being said, this means I must go out in style before I turn the big 3-0!
So here is my little list of things I hope to accomplish this year.
(Yes I realize that this is pointless, but it's therapeutic for me.  - Me feelings will not be hurt if you stop reading now)

  1. I want to get up before my family does.  I want that time of quiet with the Lord, to pray for them and our day! 
  2. I've always been so concerned with my "BIG purpose" in life.  I want to learn how to focus on my daily purpose and how to love others.
  3. I want to learn how to live a life of generosity, financially, verbally, and in my actions.
  4. I want to conquer the Terrible Two's with our Little Miss- prayers can start like yesterday!
  5. I want to take a family camping trip!  Or even a one night camping trip will do!
  6. A kid free trip with just my hubby would be a great way to end my 20's
  7. I would love to get all the pregnancies out of the way in my 20's.  So hopefully before I'm 30, we'll have kid #2 on the way.... Go ahead and celebrate, Caleb!
That's pretty much it!
I hope I always continue to grow and never feel like I know it all!
And I always hope my husband and my daughter know they are the top priority in my life.

Thank you to my wonderful family back home in Oklahoma, and my wonderful family here in Colorado.  I couldn't be more blessed if I tried!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Cheers to My Sis!

Yesterday my dear sister turned 26.
I guess I never thought I'd see the day that my little sis grew up.
Part of me always thought that we'd dream about our future for forever.
But now we're actually living it.
She's grown up and married.
I'm grown up, married, and have a kiddo.

Yep, our dreams have come true.
I love my sister more than anything.
She drives me absolutely nuts, and I do the same to her.
But she's my sister and that means we love each other despite the nuts part.  
And I'm the only one that can say she drives me nuts.
See that's the thing about the Jacobs' kids. 
We can yell and scream at each other, but an outsider says and ill word about another, and then we will all turn around and yell and scream at you. 
Consider yourself warned.

It's quite a beautiful thing, really.
I love all of us Jacobs' kids.  They are the best group of siblings I could ever have.
But God sure blessed me when he gave me my sister.
She's challenged me and made me grow in areas no else can.
Happy Birthday, Hooker!
I love you!

Now in honor of her birthday, here is a picture tribute to her.
(Please no judgement of the 80's hair do's)
You know you rocked the same hair proudly!

 Disney World... riding It's a Small World for the millionth time because that's Jacey's favorite ride.
And still is.... 
 Mama made us dress up in these ridiculous matching clothes.
Jacey loved it, I hated it.
But now, it's kind of cute... I always knew she wanted to be just like me.
Just kidding
 Welcoming Kaleb to our girly world.
 This would be the first of many kayak/canoeing trips.
All of them don't end so well..  
But they make for some great stories... maybe I'll share sometime.
Me off to college.
Leaving the good ol sis behind.
This day sucked, but then it became cool to have sister sleep over in the dorms.
My wedding day.
Only sister could get me all gussied up.
And was there when Blake made her arrival.
She hasn't missed a Big Moment in my life.
And I pray that I never miss one of hers.
And here is the Fantastic Four!
Jacey graduated and well what do you know.
It called for our standard picture.
Kade holding me, Kaleb holding Jacey.
What can I say, we're cool!

JB, I love you!
Thanks for always being there.
Proud of the woman you are!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Colorado Lovin

I'm from a very flat state called Oklahoma.
I now live in one of the most beautiful places, Colorado.
I still haven't adjusted to seeing the mountains everyday.
And honestly part of me hopes I never will.

Part of living in Colorado means loving the outdoors.
I crave time in the mountains.
The quiet, the beauty, it's perfect.
Well I think Hubs and I are passing on our love for the outdoors to Little Miss.

Here is my proof.

Yes that is correct... she is smelling trees.
Want to know why?  
So of course since my Mountain Man Father in Law taught us, we had to teach 
Little Miss.
And unfortunately now she smells every tree.
People think we're weird.
But I can live with that.

And just because I'm in a Little Miss picture mode, here are a few more from one of our walks.

"Shhh... I found a "hop hop" 
And you'd better believe she was enforcing the quiet rule with me.

And then we sat and stared at this bunny for a good 20 min.

Yep, life is pretty exciting around here... Bunny watching is our new favorite hobby.

Well we're heading up for a mountain trip this weekend for some more Colorado Lovin.
I can't wait.
Hubby is running the Tough Mudder, and Little Miss and I will be cheering him on.
Can't wait.
And of course, I'll take lots of pictures for you.

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